Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fast Food is Everywhere

"A Pizza Hut! A Pizza Hut! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut! A Pizza Hut! A Pizza Hut! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut! McDonalds! McDonalds! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut! McDonalds! McDonalds! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut! I like food! I like food! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut! You like food! You like food! Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut!" The scene I found to be shocking was the one where the kids were singing a song about various fast food chains.

I found this scene to be shocking because it showed that today America's youth is growing up learning all about fast food and accepting it as real food. Most kids in America think of fast food chains when thinking about food. Fast food is spreading all throughout American culture and is even being incorporated into songs children are singing. Fast food is bringing happiness and fun to the minds of the kids in America. Maybe some of these kids need to learn the songs from this movie bashing fast food...

eat right and exercise.

There is a scene in Supersize Me where a doctor is talking about a conversation he had over dinner. In this conversation one person criticises another for smoking cigarettes. the cigarette smoker is ashamed that he does something so damaging to his health. he takes responsibility and admits that he should quit the same time there is an overweight person at the table eating. the man telling the story feels like the obese woman should be criticized for eating while she is obese the same way the smoker is.

the problem i have with this man's opinion is the same as my problem with Supersize Me as a whole. Everyone's body is their own. they are responsible for its' well being. it is rude to criticize a smoker or an obese person. they aren't stupid. they know just as well as anyone else that what they do is unhealthy. people are ultimately responsible for themselves and if they can't eat McDonalds responsibly than that is their problem. no one at McDonalds forced anyone to eat at their restaurants. Its really quite simple if you want to be in shape eat right and exercise. and as for McDonald's brain washing children into wanting their food, i say this. just as we are responsible for our own health parents need to be responsible for their children. people can make excuses about playgrounds and nutrition sheets all day ,but in the end its all about responsibility.

Super Size Me

In the movie Super Size Me, there are many scenes that stick out. For me, the scene that was the most powerful was when he was interviewing the first grade students. When he interviewed the students, they were in a typical conference room with each child coming into the room one at a time. The studnets knew all about the fast food icons but struggled to remember many people important to American history.

I felt that this scene was powerful because it showed how advertisements for fast food restaurants are made to impact children. This scene shows that even though parents can try to shelter their children from such restaurants to help them in the future, it is pretty much impossible to keep the children from seeing any advertisement that is made for fast food restaurants.

Convenience of Obesity

Every time I watch Super Size Me, I walk away not wanting to eat fast food ever again. Most people think that they have no other choice because of its convenience. This convenience is the problem and the leading cause of obesity, which Morgan Spurlock successfully uncovered. It is cheap, tasty, and everywhere you turn, which are the characteristics of a fast killer.
I found two scenes to be the most shocking to me;Spurlock's first and last visits to the doctors. On his first visit, he was a perfectly healthy man. On his last visit, he was characterized as "sick" with liver damage, high cholesterol, and psychological issues . It was amazing to see how quickly his health failed during his 30-day McDonald's binge. What is more amazing is that his diet is almost no different than many 14-year olds with a McDonald's across the street from their high school.

Super Size Stomach Stapling

To me, one of the most important scenes in the movie SuperSize Me is the stomach stapling scene. Bruce Howlett, the man who drank around two gallons of soda a day, began to lose his eyesight due to his body's inability to cope with the large amounts of sugar he ingested. So he undergoes a stomach stapling surgery, which is the only known cure for diabetes, and is also accompanied by classical music. I covered my eyes through half of this scene, but I don't think I really have to describe the parts I did open them for, because everyone reading this is most likely picturing it right now. I think this scene could be summed up using only the word "gore."

However, the context of this scene is just as important as the shock value. Throughout the whole film thus far, Morgan Spurlock gave facts, showed interviews, and generally made the problem and its cultural context very clear. I believe this scene is the turning point of the entire movie. Not only does the long stretch of classical music contrast sharply with the rapid dispensing of information in the rest of the film, after the stomach stapling the mood of the movie is much darker. There is no comic relief or cartoons, and the health risks become not only serious, but immediate. I think this is very intelligent directing because Morgan Spurlock permanently associates this image with McDonalds and the negative mood in the film after the surgery, just as children associate McDonalds food with playplaces and fun. Although I am a chicken when it comes to surgery, I really appreciate how Morgan Spurlock used this scene as a way to persuade his viewers permanently.

Insights on Super Size Me

Though it happened to be my second time viewing the film, I could not help but to be impacted by the scene in which Morgan interviews the elementary school students. Though the children interviewed could not manage to name a historical figure such as Christ, they could easily identify the likes of Wendy or Ronald McDonald. In my eyes, nothing could be more tragic. Though it is not always evident, much of our lifestyle choices are dependent upon our past. Only through a proper upbringing can we truly live a healthy lifestyle and after watching the film, it appears that these children are already heading down the road to ruin at a rapid pace.

Too much time in our classrooms is spent on educating children on how to beat the test. In the interest of time, real life issues are lost along the wayside. It's about time that we as Americans step up and make certain that the U.S. school system does its part to make sure that these children are better educated citizens of our country not simply because they can pass the test but also because they possess real life knowledge. We are in the midst of a health crisis and much of this is due to the fast food industry. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for a change...

Super Size Me

The most shocking part of the film for me was probably how willing the people on the streets were to be apart of the film and share their input. The group of people who were in front of the White House and could not even finish the National Anthem left me in awe. They tried multiple times and still could not completely finish it correctly. However, when asked what the slogan for McDonalds Big Mac, one woman had no problem supplying the answer immediately. She then proceeded to laugh hysterically about this which I think is truly embarrassing.
This experiment definitely added to the movie's entire point. Morgan took this idea that our country is entirely obsessed with running at a fast pace, to the point where we start to kill ourselves. This is shown especially through these average group of Americans. While some people may laugh all they want that these people could ACTUALLY forgot the National Anthem, I am sure they may be surprised at what they fail to remember as well. This part of the movie really made me stop and think about how I need to slow down my life as well and really think about what I am putting into my body.

One scene that stood out to me is when Morgan Spurlock interviewed Bruce Howlett. Bruce said that he drinks two gallons of soda a day, and he actually lost his eyesight for a period of time. He ended up in the hospital for surgery, however once he eliminated sugars he regained his eyesight.
This is very disturbing and actually scary because it shows how severe the consequences are of eating fast food or drinking too much soda. One would think that after a certain point, Americans will do something about it and search for help. Obviously for some people, food is more important than their health.

Jesus vs. Ronald McDonald

The scene where Morgan interviewed the first-graders made me question the integrity of his entire experiment. He showed pictures of popular political and religious figures, like George W. Bush, George Washington, and Jesus Christ, and pictures of fast food restaurant icons like Wendy and Ronald McDonald. The children were asked to identify the person in the picture, but most of them, or at least the ones who made the movie cut, were unable to correctly identify anyone but Ronald McDonald and Wendy. I figure Morgan was trying to get the audience to conclude that McDonald’s was weeding its way into the minds of children, trying to addict them at a young age to their fatty and life-threatening foods. He expected the audience to think that the other more important figures (Jesus, the president), should be more recognizable to the youngsters than the fast food icons (Wendy, Ronald McDonald). The important idea to remember during this scene is that the “information” presented is based on information from people—from children; not statistics, not medical research, and not from a scientific study. All inferences made from the audience would be purely subjective, if not a little persuaded by the data presented by Morgan.

Having been raised a vegetarian, I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've eaten McDonald's. But I still could identify Ronald McDonald when I was 6 years old because the food chain is so widely advertised on television ($1.4 billion dollars worth per year), such as the Olympics, Ronald McDonald House charities, commercials, cartoons, and what have you. It’s also a common feature in most cities, both American and in locations across the world. So to interview a handful of first-graders who may not have been introduced to great historical figures of our country, but have likely been familiarized with McDonald's food, is clearly unfair. These kids are probably five to seven years old, and may or may not be a fair representation of the average first grader. For example, the child who recognized a picture of Jesus Christ as George W. Bush may not have been raised in a religious setting. Or he could have been Muslim, and may not have even known who Jesus is. Regardless, there is room to believe these few children interviewed are too young to be expected to identify political and religious leaders. You also have to keep in mind that kids say the darndest things, and trying to read into the silly things they say may be an equally silly thing to do. Therefore, watching this scene did not shock me. On the contrary, I felt like Morgan and crew were persuading the audience, maybe even sloppily pushing their agenda, to believe that American children are becoming stupid and fat. If he had interviewed a third or fourth grade class, I would probably be more concerned. Even still, there are wide variations and socioeconomical gaps between school districts, so he would have to take a sample from schools across the nation, from all different backgrounds, before I would be so moved to think that McDonald’s is the aiding the downfall of the American educational system.

PS. -- Just as a disclaimer, I was surprised by some parts of Supersize Me (such as his trouble in finding the nutrition information at McDonald's), but overall I felt like Morgan was reaching too far to get people to agree with him on an issue that most people already understand. Some people may not realize the extent of the health hazard Mickey D's presents, but people don't go there to lose weight or lower their cholesterol. It's bad for your health, and proportion distortion is not a new problem. I think one of the most crucial questions he poses is who is to blame for our obesity epidemic in America, us or the big corporations, and he kind of left it open-ended. I think if people were educated on what a calorie is, what exactly they are eating and what they should be eating to maintain a healthy body, that would be a good start.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Super Size Me

In Super Size Me the part that affcted me most is when Morgan Spurlock gets sick after eating a double quarter pounder with cheese. At first it takes him quite a while to eat the food, and this is towards the beginning of his experiment. After finishing the food he gets sick out of the window.
This part affected me because how McDonald's food can really affect you that much to where you can get sick just from eating it. This part shows how much the food can really affect your stomache and how eating it can make you sick.


What I found most shocking/interesting was when Morgan would interview people on the streets. One scene shows a family in front of the White House attempting to sing the Pledge of Allegiance. There were several takes shown of the family forgetting parts of the song and trying again and again to get it right with no success. However, the last take of the scene they were asked to sing the jingle of the Big Mac and surprisingly enough, one of the women sang it word for word as if she practiced it in her sleep! And she found it hilarious that she knew that song better than the pledge!
This was very shocking because it shows how much fast food chains affect us. I mean seriously, she knew the jingle better than the Pledge of Allegiance! Kids learn the pledge in kindergarten! America obviously has their priorities in the wrong spot if its own citizens pay more attention to food jingles than what really matters. We are a product of our environment, we remember and know what we are exposed to the most. Ironically enough, the lady was obese. (Go figure)


I thought the most shocking part of the movie was something that is actually shown in the special features. Morgan Spurlock does an experiment with McDonald's food by seeing how quickly they mold. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen this part, but I thought the results were just shocking. It really changed my mind about the food for about 6 months and then I started eating it again.

I think this is an important part of the film because it gives the viewer insight into what McDonald's is really doing with their food. When watching this scene, you can see that their food is not natural. It shows that McDonald's probably puts dangerous chemicals into their foods.

Super Size Me

Hi Guys,
Matt Siegel here. The scene I wanted to focus on was actually two scenes that actually somewhat could have been regarded in the same way. This is when Morgan was interviewing people on the street and first asking them about their feelings about fast food and which places they prefer to go to. The two black men that he interviews who start talking about one being able to exercise for a little bit and lift some weights and all of a sudden you can have this fast food and it won't affect you. The other scene is when he interviews people on what a calorie is. People had no idea what it was.
I find these parts very interesting because I think they show how ignorant people are here in the US. My focus remains on the two black men who were interviewed. It is their belief that if you exercise for a little bit, it then gives you the free reign to eat fast food without any dire consequences. This to me is so incredibly stupid. This is not true at all. Yes, it may help a tiny bit, but not by much and the majority of people who eat fast food in the US don't get as much exercise as the Surgeon General says, which is 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day. Not just lifting as these men specified. I also thought it was sad that people don't know what a calorie is. I may not know the exact, scientific definition, but I know the general concept and this ignorance perpetuates bad eating habits and a lack of education on how to eat. That's what I think.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My names Brian Rutter. I'm 18 years old and from Lima, Ohio. I went to Elida High School which is right by Lima. My major is Aviation and I think i'm going to minor in Criminology. I've flown planes with some of my friends over the last few years which is how I decided to major in Aviation. I love every type of sport possible. I played every sport I could at least once. My favorite sports were actually golf and track. I wasn't an amazing golfer but it was one of the more fun sports i played. I ran the 100 and 4 by 1 in track. I also was a high jumper which is one of the sweetest things to do in track besides pole-vault. I also was in the band! I played snare drum and was the leader of my section for a couple years, I loved hearing the sound of a drumline. We had one of the biggest bands around the area and had fun every year. I also love to snow and water ski.
I come from a very close family. I have one brother who is a junior in college. Me and him have always been close he is defiantly my best friend. I'm cool with my parents most of the time. I love animals mainly dogs and horses tho. I am kind of a shy guy until I get to know people. I hate talking infront of groups but i'm getting used to it. I'm a strong christian. I'm not a huge partier but like to have a good time. Want to know anything else just ask.

Monday, September 24, 2007

murder, murder, muder, mu-murder

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hi, my name is Adrian. I'm from here (Columbus), and grew up in the neighborhood of Clintonville, about 10 minutes North, by car. I attended high school at Columbus Alternative High School, all known as CAHS. The highlight of my four years there was probably doing an underground newspaper with my friends during my junior and senior years, which was then featured in an article on the front page of The Other Paper, Columbus's alternative newspaper, over the summer. At the moment, my planned major is psychology - I'm interested in how people think (I guess that was implied by "psychology") - but I'm not sure if I'll keep it. Recently, I have had a strong inclination to major in unemployment, better known as "music".

I've played violin for 12 years, dabbled in piano for 1, and socially freestyle rapped for about 1 and a half (my skill is mediocre at best) . I also listen to a great deal of music. For roughly the past two years, the genre getting the most of my attention is hip-hop, especially the mid-90s East Coast and underground varieties. However, I am also a fan to a fair amount of rock, jazz, and classical. My other "hobby" is watching movies. Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, and Fight Club are some of my favorites. I tend to be forgetful at times - I lost my Buck ID the first day here, and am constantly misplacing my new card, my room key, and my flip-flops (I don't know how, either) - but I am trying to get better about it. I also enjoy discussions about metaphysics.

One final thing about me: I am extremely intimidated by Adam's response to this prompt. Oh, and the picture isn't an attempt to be emo, it's just the only one I have of myself with short hair.

A Little Bit About Me....

"I know myself, but that is all" -Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Too much of life is outlined by boundaries. I strive to live my life in an effort to transcend all of those boundaries placed upon us by not only the society we live in but also ourselves. I constantly pursue deeper meaning and higher levels of thought in an effort to become an "enlightened person."

It is my belief that knowledge does nothing if we allow it to solely rest within our own souls. True knowledge comes the day you find the light and use it to illuminate the way for another. Although I have aspirations for my own success, I also desire to make the lives of those around me better through my presence. I do not fear death for as long as I do my part to improve the lives of others, I will live on forever in the good deeds that carry out for one another.

No mind should lie dormant. Therefore I constantly surround myself with other intellectuals from whom I can have serious, analytical discussions with. I am constantly thinking and therefore I look for others who do the same. If you're ever the person you're looking for to talk to for hour upon hour about anything or nothing at all, I'm the one to talk to...


Hi, my name is Marisa Roberts. I'm from Norwalk, Ohio, lived all my life there. It is by Cedar Point for those of you lost. It's a very small town, I graduated with only about 120 students. I played soccer at Edison High School, made all district, it was a small district. Outside of school I worked two jobs, a waitress and retail. I listen to a lot of music, a lot could be an understatement, my favorite band is Aesop Rock. I highly suggest checking them out, they rock! I like to travel, but haven't been too far yet. After being here a week I miss my car the most, that small space you can pump with bass. I'm a psychology major here, although I'll probably change by next year. I'm living in Stradley Hall and I like it a lot.


Hello, my name is Alice. I'm from Vandalia, Ohio (which is a few minutes outside of Dayton), and I went to Butler High School. Despite the occasional bomb threat or science class chemical spill, high school was boring, so I am very excited to be here at OSU!
I have one older sister, who came to OSU a few years ago. I also have an orange kitty, who for some reason refuses to eat meat and enjoys cucumbers, cantaloupe, and watermelon. I am a 100% cat person, but when I was nine I did have one hamster that I found behind my neighbor's stove.
I am a diet coke fan, but I am trying to quit. This summer I was averaging two liters a day (no exaggeration!). I love food, especially beefaroni and ice cream. I do not enjoy being healthy and refuse to exercise. I also can 't stand the sound of nail biting and teeth grinding, and if someone does this, you will usually see me plugging my ears and generally freaking out. All of my friends think it is hilarious, which is probably true. I watch way too much TV and movies, but I have too many favorites to name them all.
I am a total art nerd. I love to paint, go to museums, and spend way too much money on art books. My favorites are Hockney's People and Frida Kahlo. This summer I went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art wich was amazing! I hope I can return for the Frida Kahlo exibit, which I think is this fall.
Well, that's about all there is to know about me, I think. By the way, the picture is of me with a creepy fortune telling machine from the Mall of America.


Hey everyone! My name is Sara Turner and I am from Perrysburg, OH. Its a small town right outside of Toledo. I graduated from Perrysburg High School and I was pretty involved. I ran track and cross country, was in National Honor Society, and did some of the plays. I have an older brother who is a senior here at Ohio State, a dad, and my dog Brinkley. He is a Yorkie and I miss him a lot! I absolutely love country music, especially Kenny Chesney and going to concerts. I love reading and hanging out with friends in my spare time. My favorite movies are How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Titanic, and Hairspray. I am also obsessed with the TV show Entourage!
Right now my major is Psychology and I am living in Smith Hall on South campus. I hope to someday work with kids. At home I worked for a company called Party Hero's, where I would play with kids at birthday parties and it was a blast! I plan on maybe going to medical school and working with the law or starting my own business. I'm very excited for this class and look forward to meeting you all:)

Just Me...

Hey, my name is Alexandrea Carey. I have a bunch of nicknames, so any variation of Alexandrea is okay with me. I am from Columbus, OH; I've been here all my life. I went to Independence High School, where we only had 187 in our graduating class. I was Valedictorian of my class, and I graduated a year early; yes, I'm only 17 years old. I didn't plan on graduating early, but I didn't want to spend a year in high school doing nothing. I am glad I did end up graduating early, though, because high school was not for me!
I didn't plan on coming to OSU; I really wanted to go to NYU, but my mom couldn't let go of me. Now that I am here, I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Criminology. I want to be a Forensic Psychologist, like B.D. Wong on Law and Order:SVU. I think I will enjoy working with criminals and detectives. I don't want to live in Columbus, once I start getting job offers. I want to move far East, like New York or Maryland. I love the fast pace of life on the East Coast!
Once you get to know me, you will find that I am very energetic. I love to dance, it's my life! I don't think I would have a purpose in life, if I couldn't dance! I am very into fashion. I don't dress the same as anyone I know, which is good because I can be different. I love to be different, I feel I have an impact on how people perceive others, due to their appearance. I try to be nice to people, but the world takes kindness for weakness. I am really fun-loving and friendly; other than that, I am just me.


Hi, my name is Lauren Fisher. I’m from a tiny town called Sabina(the whole town only has two traffic lights). OSU is a big change for me because I grew up on a farm, and have never had to navigate my way around a city setting before. I’m an art major and want to become an art therapist(for anyone who doesn‘t know an art therapist is someone who uses the creative process to accompany counseling and psychotherapy). I love to read, but don’t ask me to name my favorite book because it is constantly changing. Also, I love watching movies( Garden State in particular!). I also enjoy playing the piano, and theater (watching it and being involved in it).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Kayla Pickana

Hey guys! I'm Kayla Pickana. I'm 19 from St. Clairsville, Ohio. It's about 2 hours away, near Wheeling, WV. It's just a small town where there isn't much to do. Pretty boring!! I have a brother and sister who are both a lot older than me. I basically just have an average family. My dad works in a steal mill and mom is a nurse. Nothing exciting!
I played sports all my life. I've played almost anything. (I even wrestled for 6 years) It's pretty funny because guys who went on to win state and wrestle in college lost to me when we were younger. haha! In high school I only played basketball and softball. I really focused on basketball. I visited so many schools and I always planned on playing in college. They were all D2 and D3 schools though, and after living in a small town all of my life, I just really wanted to go to a big school. I ended up getting in a really bad car accident right before my senior year of basketball started. It was the most depressing point of my life because I had to sit half of the season. I was actually pretty thankful in the end because I was lucky nothing really bad happened to me. After that, I decided I was definately done playing sports. Deep down I always wanted to go to OSU anyways. I felt like I've always missed out on so much and I'd have so many opportunities here so I have no regrets!
I'm majoring in Communications and I'm planning on going into Broadcast Journalism. I'm planning on moving to California or somewhere else hot. I guess I have to see where the best job opportunities are first. I'm so excited to be here and start a new chapter in my life. If you want to know anything else at all, don't be afraid to ask! I'm really outgoing and love meeting new people!

Hey guys! My name is Katy and I'm from Springboro, Ohio. I'm one of those kids whose parents grew up down the street from one another and basically everyone in your family graduated form the same high school/live within a 10 mile radius. But I'm cool with it because family is really important to me. We're all pretty close so I miss them a lot. Right now my major is Middle Childhood Education, but I'm considering changing it to something artsy like Architecture or Design or someting. I'm also extremely indecisive. I'm a pretty fun person but a little quirky. I'm addicted to magazines, getting my hair cut, football(Go Bucks And Bengals!), music(basically everything especially country but not stuff you slit your wrists to), and lots of other stuff. I hate germs, bananas, scary movies, the dark, the browns, and all things blue and maize. I pretty much am computer illiterate so that's why I didn't put a picture on here, but you'll all see me in class. I'm friendly and will talk to anyone, which sometimes gets me in trouble, especially with street vendors and the homeless. I look forward to this year and am excited to make some awesome friends and have tons of fun!

Friday, September 21, 2007

About Me

Hello all! My name is Keshia and I hail from Dayton, OH. I went to Stivers School for the Arts where my magnets were dance and band. My major is Middle Childhood Education and I hope to teach history is some form. I work at the library in Dayton in the Children's Department. It's a fun job and I get paid to make crafts just for the heck of it.
My family is really important to me. I don't think I would be the person I am today if it weren't for them. I have a nephew, Jackson, who is two and a half. He is a trip. He is probably the sexiest little boy alive. He never fails to cheer me up and he doesn't realize that.
I am often online. I actually love to blog on my Myspace. It's an interesting read, but you have to add me as a friend. I don't just let anyone read my personal drama. I love Spongebob and the color pink. I love Kings Island and Cedar Point. Well basically all amusent parks. I love roller coasters and things that give me a rush. I can't wait for Thanksgiving because I get to go home!!

About Myself

Hey Guys!

My name is Erin Woods and I am 19 years old. I am originally from Tomball, Texas but have lived in Dayton, Ohio my whole life. I graduated 7th in my class out of 236 with honors. I am majoring in Psychology with a possible minor in zoology or sexual studies. I want to go to graduate school to obtain my Psy. D. and be a licensed Psychologist/therapist for sexual relationships. Fun stuff! I am also married and have been since May 27, 2006. My husband is wonderful and is in the Army 82nd Airborne Division. He was sent to Iraq fall of '06 and unfortunately was involved in an explosion and lost sight in his left eye. He is doing great and stays with me in Columbus.
I love to read and go to the movies. I used to do theater in high school and was Sandy in "Grease", Helena in "A Midsummer Nights Dream", and was also in the "The Wizard of Oz". I'm a really independent person and very mature for my age. I have a low tolerance for stupidity, laziness, and overall immature people. I take my education very seriously and I love every minute of it. Education is so important and Ohio State is such a great university with tons of opportunities, resources, and diversity. Plus I love the football!!!! GO BUCKS!!!!


Hi there. My name is Ted Thomas Fox and I am from Sandusky, Ohio. Most people have no idea where Sandusky is until you sat Cedar Point. My first name is actually Ted Thomas, not just Ted, but different people call me different things. I liked growing up in Sandusky because it is right on the lake and it is very beautiful in the summer. One thing I really liked about my high school is that the normal high school atmosphere with cliques did not exist. Students in Band were just as cool as the ones in sports and people were friends with others that weren't in their group. I have a very large family and we all live within 5 minutes of eachother so I miss them all a lot, but in some ways it is good, because I can becom more independent.
During high school I participated in Swimming, Band, Drama Club, Jazz Band, National Honor Society. I liked being involved and I didn't just sit around at home very often. I picked OSU because it has so much to offer and if you are just sitting around it is your fault. I am participating in the fall Athletic Band, and I am excited because I get to go to the Men's Ice Hockey game against Miami! I think this year is going to be a lot of fun!

A Little About Me

My name is Brianna Bowman. I have lived in the small Northeast Ohio town, Wellington, my entire life. Even though I have lived in the same town my entire life, I have moved around several times in that area. I graduated from Wellington High School with 113 other students. I am majoring in Middle Childhood Education with an emphasis in Mathematics and Science. The main grades I want to teach are 7th and 8th.

Throughout high school, I participated in basketball and track. My favorite sport was throwing the shot put and discus during track season, where I made it to Regionals my senior year. I love all sports and going to sporting events. Another passion of mine is singing. I have been singing for six years in organized choirs, but singing has been my passion ever since I was a little girl. I have one dog and seven draft ponies. My summers are spent showing my draft ponies at numerous county fairs throughout Ohio.

My parents have been divorced since I was in fourth grade. My mother is an Office Assistant for a court reporting firm and my father is a Heating and Air Technician. I have one younger brother who is 17 and a senior at the Lorain County Joint Vocational School. I come from a very big family and enjoying spending as much time as I can with my family.

There are many other interesting things about me and I am more than willing to talk to anyone about myself. See everyone on Tuesday!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My name is Thomas Lee which you could probably guess by my blog profile.I was born in Grady hospital in the heart of downtown Atlanta . A couple hours after that I moved to Decatur, a city about five minuets to the east. Decatur is NOT a suburb. My home town is a pretty diverse place, it's less of a town and more of a city actually. Anyway I feel like growing up in Decatur has made me who i am. I find when talking to people from other places that my concept of what is normal is actually very different from most peoples' experiences. Much of the allure of going to school so far away from home was that I wanted to completely separate myself from the strange vortex of irregularities that is Decatur. I like to consider myself an open minded person, but sometimes I wonder if I could really change my opinions about certain topics. I can't stand people who have no opinions of their own , and yes there are a lot of such people. I am passionate to the point that some people think I'm crazy, but I tend to think that they are just not confident enough in themselves to stand up for what they feel strongly about. I find it hard to understand people who only act in their own self interest. I think my defining characteristic is that I have a hard time forgiving people, including myself. I hold myself to a high standard of behavior, which i find very hard to maintain. The end result of this is that i have a very guilty conscience.


Hi. My name is Bobby Monteleone. I come originally from a little town called Vermillion on the lake. A few years back i moved south to Canton where I've resided ever since. Canton's a big town with all the graces of a small village. I mean that in the worst way possible. Ask anyone who's been within twenty miles of the city and they'll surely tell you it's a cultural wasteland. No museums, No music and No art. All there really is is football. Now I love football as much as the next guy but getting it jammed down your throat twenty four seven is enough to get to anyone. So I'm pretty psyched about finally getting down to a place with a touch of culture mixed with their football.
If you haven't guessed by now I am an art major. I focus mostly on photography but dabble in drawing and sculpture a bit. I also love film making and movies in general, especially those kinda strange indie films like Spun and 28 Days later and any older horror films. My taste in music is eclectic to say the least but alot of it falls into the indie/alt rock area. Also, am I the only person who loves ska. no one... I thought so. I'm a lover, not a fighter, but I do get a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to injustice in this world. I'm one that feels we're all brothers and sisters here so let's all try play nice. I'm not much of a writer or really a blogger, come to think of it,but I'll manage. In fact, I just a facebook account yesterday if that's an indication of my blogging prowess. Either way, I'm feeling like this class is gonna be a good one so I'm looking forward to it. See everyone Tuesday.

oh, and about the picture. I, being the photographer I am, don't actually have one of myself on my computer at all. You'll just have to use your imagination, I guess. Sorry.

About Me

My name is Matt Siegel. I am from Plainsboro, New Jersey. That town is right next to Princeton, NJ and Trenton, NJ. I went to West Windsor Plainsboro High School South in West Windsor, NJ with a graduating class of about 450 students. My major at the moment will most likely become psychology, but my focus is Premedicine. I want to be a surgeon. I don't have any immediate family who are in the medical field, but I do have three neurosurgeons in my extended family.
I love almost all sports, but my true passion is baseball. I played the sport for 14 years. In Little League, I played five years in a row on the Cranbury Plainsboro District Allstar Team. When I went into high school, I played on the school team for all four years. During the off seasons, I played on the West Windsor and Hightstown Senior Legion Teams.
My dad is a lawyer who owns his own business and my mom is an EMT for our town's rescue squad. My brother is 25 and is at Roger Williams University Law School in his last year. My sister is 22 and is enrolled at the Massachusetts Professional School of Psychology.
There's not much else about me. As you can tell from all the information, my family is extremely close and we can talk about anything. Plainsboro is my hometown, but I hope soon this can be my second home and I look forward to meeting new people like all you guys and girls in the class.

Hey, my name is Aimee. Originally I hail from Baltimore, Maryland, but for the past three years I’ve lived in the quaint suburban town of Gahanna, Ohio. When I was a high school freshman I attended Albert Einstein High School near D.C., but moved to Columbus my sophomore year and continued my education at Gahanna Lincoln High. It was a culture shock. I horribly missed the rich cultural and ethnic backgrounds of the metropolitan area, which is one feature that drew me to Ohio State.

As of this moment I’m majoring in Anthropology, with my sights also set on some type of engineering. Basically: I like people and I like building things. I’m into computers (fixing and breaking), cooking, baking, eating, ham radio, community service projects, running, and music. I dig lounge-y music, jazz, funky Japanese pop, uh, and big sassy voices like Aretha Franklin and Nina Simone. Oh, and I especially love movies. On the Waterfront, Grindhouse, and The Elephant Man are among my favorites. Also, I love my car. I have a 1985 GSL-SE RX-7, and it’s kind of like my second boyfriend, but less jerky.

Oh! And for the record, in case anyone was curious, I have never been arrested! The top number in my picture is my birthday, and the lower one is the date the photo was taken. Yeah! So. That’s all there is to me, really. I work a lot and go to school at the same time. Work and school and sleep. Ya herd?

first blog assignment

your homework for the weekend is to post an introduction of yourself to the blog. this should be your name, hometown, high school, major, hobbies, etc.....please write a paragraph or two, not just some minimal amount of text, etc. also, it is very easy to paste a photo into the blog posting, so, that would help me learn names as well!!